There is hope that a new bar will be coming to the heart of Caversham by the end of this year.

The old House of Cards unit at St Martin's Preinct has been vacant since the gifts business relocated to new premises next to Costa Coffee in 2022.

That prompted two Caversham businesswomen to set up Spill Bar, which will serve wine, spirits, and cafe-style food once it's ready to open.

Spill Bar is the brainchild of Claire Anderton-Bell, managing director of NOOD stores, and Amanda Adlem, the owner of Hilton Skin and Body Clinic.

But their application to sell alcohol from 12pm to 11pm each night was opposed by a neighbour raising fears about disturbance at closing time, and Reading Borough Council officers who argued that procedures had not been followed.

These objections were sounded out at a licensing applications committee meeting.

One of the concerns was the amount of people that could fit into the bar.

Bill Donne, a licensing consultant representing Spill Bar said: "There is some slight confusion about capacity. The total capacity will be no more than 120 for those inside and outside."

Following negotiations, an element of the application stating that recorded music would be played during opening hours has been withdrawn.

Mr Donne explained that recorded music does not require a licence as long as it does not go over a stipulated volume.

He said: "We want background music - which is not a licensable activity, which you have at supermarkets and other public businesses."

A neighbour in Hemdean Road objected to the application, raising fears of 'alcohol-fuelled goodbyes' at closing.

Addressing the objection, Mr Donne said: "I'm struggling to understand why they think someone drinking outside Spill Bar will cause disturbance for them. It's a long way away. Even the very first house is some way away."

Meanwhile, Stephen Vigar, the council's planning applications team leader argued that the use of the unit as a bar would require planning permission.

But Mr Donne argued that a bar falls within Class E use, which covers restaurants, cafes, shops and financial and professional service offices.

He also clarified the nature of the business, stating Spill Bar will not be a full-fledged restaurant.

Mr Donne said: "The food will be like Costa Coffee, a bit more upmarket. We want guests to enjoy a glass of wine and some snacks and nibbles. It's primarily seated with waiter service."

All in all, the coming of Spill Bar was welcomed by the committee.

Councillor Clarence Mitchell (Conservative, Emmer Green) said: "I've lived in Caversham for years now, I'd like to see the precinct brought back to life."

He added that while neighbour objections should always be treated seriously he welcomed the news that the bar will be coming to breathe new life into St Martins Precinct.

When asked when Spill Bar could open, Mrs Anderton-Bell said: "We wanted to open last month! But now it could be the end of November, or at least before Christmas."

The former House of Cards unit requires fit-out work to convert it into Spill Bar.

The application to sell alcohol from 12pm to 11pm each day was granted by cllrs Mitchell , Paul Woodward (Labour, Church), and Glenn Dennis (Labour, Kentwood) at the meeting on Thursday, October 10.