A WIFE has revealed she was so distressed after learning her husband had been murdered she fainted.

Ramya Raman’s “kind and gentle” partner Vignesh was killed in a plot to stop him raising concerns about illegal immigration at his workplace, Vel Indian Kitchen and Bar in Whitley Street. 

Vignesh was cycling home from his leaving drinks after finishing his final shift on Valentine’s Day this year when evil murderer Shazeb Khalid mowed him down in a stolen Range Rover and fled the scene. Vignesh was found badly injured by police and later died in hospital.

Revealing the devastating impact her husband’s loss has had on her life, Mr Raman’s widow, Ramya told Reading Crown Court: “God had not only shattered my dreams, but also had taken the love of my life away.

“I was so distressed I fainted when I was told the cause of his death.”

She said she has spent days praying for him to come back and she’s suffered panic attacks and “wakes up in the middle of the night crying”. 

Heartbreakingly, she revealed her husband had been working at a hotel in Qatar when he received an offer to work in a hotel in Colorado, USA - but turned it down to work in Reading as he thought the UK would be safer

Ramya said: “We decided to go to the UK as we thought it was a safer country to live.”
Just hours before his murder, Mr Raman had been celebrating accepting a new job at a hotel in London and had been enjoying leaving-drinks with his colleagues.

Ramya said: “It was the job of his dreams. We felt we were opening a new chapter in life.”
Mr Raman’s death has led to his widow losing her spousal visa and her right to work in UK, meaning that she has now returned to India to live with her parents.

She said: “I am living with my mother who is unwell.

“My parents worry about me all the time.

“My parents worry what my future will be after they are gone now that I am alone.”

She added: “I looked forward to us growing old together and seeing him with grey hairs. My husband was a lovely person and I cannot visualise him sleeping in eternity.

“Not a moment has passed where I haven’t remembered him.”