Reading supporter group 'Sell Before We Dai' published a 29-word statement following the latest news that the club are back under an EFL embargo for failure to pay HMRC.

The club have paid tax late each month this season, with two winding-up petitions lodged since June.

Due to make a trip to High Court in the coming weeks for failing to pay two months of tax, owner Dai Yongge paid the two off to prevent further action.

However, just a fortnight later the club are back in trouble as November's payment is due, and remains unpaid.

'Sell Before We Dai' released a short statement in reaction, cutting straight to the point.

"We can't be bothered with a proper statement this time, as we're only repeating ourselves. Just pay our staff, pay the taxman and get out of our club now."

Mr Yongge has been working with potential buyers to hopefully sell the club in the coming weeks.

The Reading Chronicle have reported this week that exclusivity is close to being awarded to Genevra Associates, a hedge-fund from Luxembourg.