Newly taken over Burton Albion are on the search for a new manager after Martin Paterson's departure on Friday.

Paterson won just five matches since taking over in January, including a 3-2 win over Reading on the penultimate matchday of the season, but the Brewers stayed in League One on the final day.

Only on a short-term deal, the former Northern Ireland international has left the Pirelli Stadium following its expiration.

Ben Robinson, who has been on the board at Burton Albion for nearly 50 years, sold his majority shareholding to The Nordic Football Club, marking a new dawn in the East Midlands.

Ole Jakob Strandhagen has been appointed as Chairman, NFG’s Founder and CEO Tom Davidson as Deputy Chairman, Bendik Hareide as Sporting Director, while Kevin C. Skabo will take up the role of Commercial Director.

NFG told Burton Albion website: “We are privileged and grateful for this torch to be passed on to us, and we take this responsibility of being the custodians of your football club extremely seriously. Over time, we aim to earn your respect and friendship through our execution of this responsibility. This opportunity means a great deal to us, and we understand that the future progress and performance of Burton Albion Football Club now rests squarely on our shoulders, as they have on Ben's until today.

"We can assure you that we are committed to doing everything in our power to help move this football club forward as effectively as we possibly can, and to be proud ambassadors for the town and people of Burton upon Trent."

Their first job will be to appoint Paterson's successor.