The deadline for those who wish to run to be on the board for the Supporters Trust at Reading [STAR] is fast approaching, with only 24 hours remaining to get your name in the race.

With thousands of members in the fanbase, the importance of a strong Supporters' Trust, such as STAR, has never been more obvious than at Reading in the last 18 months as the club remained locked in an ownership crisis.

From holding key meetings with stakeholders to donating key funds to the club and backing fan group Sell Before We Dai, STAR have been a crucial source of information and a critical friend of the club throughout the drawn-out process of ousting Dai Yongge.

If you wish to put yourself forward and become a part of an organisation that fights for the interests of Reading fans, and football fans in a more general context with work toward the Football Governance Bill, applications close tomorrow (July 31).

There are five positions available for election to the Board of Reading Football Supporters’ Society Limited 

In order to stand for election you need to be a fully paid-up member of STAR and be aged 16 or over.  You must be proposed and seconded by two other fully paid-up STAR members. 

Should there be more than five candidates, then a contested election will be held amongst the STAR members to select the candidates for the five vacant board positions.

Other key details from the STAR website on how to put yourself forward include:

  • Please email your intention to stand (or any questions on the process) to:
  • Please include in your email:
  • Your full name, STAR membership number, address and telephone number.
  • Name, STAR membership number and email address of your proposer and seconder.
  • (or attach emails from your proposer and seconder with these details.)
  • You must provide an election statement of between 200-1000 words. This is to give you the opportunity to identify your areas of interest, skills you can bring to STAR and ideas you would like to implement if elected.
  • Please also submit a photograph of yourself for publication with your statement.
  • All statements will be published on the STAR website and made available to STAR members.

 Find out more information at