Reported off-pitch arrival Joe Jacobson remained coy on links to a backroom role at Reading as a Rob Couhig-led takeover edges towards a conclusion.

The 37-year-old former defender spent nearly a decade with Wycombe Wanderers, the final few years of which was under the ownership of 75-year-old Couhig.

Jacobson has been at Bearwood regularly over the summer, as well as watching all matches, and is reportedly set to be given a role with the Royals once a takeover is confirmed.

The Welshman sat alongside Couhig and other investors in a private box for Saturday's 2-0 win over Wigan Athletic, posing for pictures before kick-off.

Speaking to the EFL All Access podcast, the former full-back remained coy over his future but confirmed that an off-pitch role would appeal to him.

"I’ve known football my whole life- I’m 37 and have spent 20 years since I left school in a football environment every day," he told Hugh Woozencroft. "I love it and still have a huge passion for it.

"Coaching was never an interest to me, but I love the business side of football. I’m currently studying a course with the PFA on how to almost run a football club. I’m not saying I could do that yet but hopefully in the future that is something I’d like to go down. I like doing the media stuff, I’ve done some bits and have some games coming up to do as well. I’m keeping my options open. I want to stay in football because it’s all I’ve known but I know there is a big wide world out there that has opportunities as well.

"On the weekend, I loved being at the game and the noise of the crowd when a goal goes in, it’s exciting to be at. I’m not 100 per cent sure what the future holds but hopefully, something can come to fruition in the coming weeks."

Couhig's takeover of the club is expected to be confirmed within the next 24-48 hours, with the American telling supporters he is awaiting sign off from 'the other side.'