LONG-SERVING Drew Humberstone admitted the drive of ‘never letting anyone down’ has inspired him to return for a seventh season at Rams as the National One campaign gets underway at home to Darlington Mowden Park on Saturday (3pm).

The versatile back, who has played at fly-half, centre and full-back since first joining ahead of the National Two South title-winning run in 2018/19, has gone onto rack up 118 caps and 19 tries for the Berkshire men, and was at the top of his game in the recent pre-season friendly 42-28 success at Chinnor.

Newly-married to Laura and returning from a honeymoon in Sri Lanka, Humberstone admitted his different preparations may have done him good as he said: “It was nice to have a bit of a break, it must be my 15th or 16th pre-season now, so a few weeks off I was so excited to get back into it and get out with the boys. It was great fun.

“I was recovering from a bit of a back injury anyway, so it was a tricky plane journey, but once there I tried to do a bit of exercise in the morning, a few Pilates and just keep the body moving with a few hikes as well.

“Sri Lanka was lovely, and I’d recommend it to anyone. Beautiful people, great beaches, safaris with leopards and elephants, fantastic.”

Turning his attentions to the fine win at Kingsey Road, he continued: “It was very good. I thought I’d get to watch more than I did before going on after about 15 minutes, but everyone looked in form.

“We’ve been working on a few things in pre-season, and it seemed things were clicking – there’s still things to work on – but as a last hit-out before the main season starts, it was very positive.”

Having previously played for Doncaster Knights, Hull Ionians and, while at Rams, Oxford University, Humberstone explained why he keeps coming back for more as well as the inspiration plenty of new signings have given him.

He revealed: “My main motivation is always I never want to let the players or supporters down because everyone puts so much into the club – I always want to do things at the highest level I can. You can’t become complacent.

“It’s always nice when you have new people come in, it provides an extra energy because they’re bringing new perspectives and trying to put their mark on things, which in turn inevitably lifts the standards of everyone else.”

And having seen the travelling Ramily turn out en masse at Chinnor, the three-quarter is expecting a phenomenal atmosphere when Darlington Mowden Park arrive at OBR.

He ended: “Old Bath Road is always amazing, and the fact Monday was supposedly an away game, it felt like there were more Rams supporters than Chinnor, it’s just a testament to the Ramily.

“I can’t wait for DMP – if I’m in the squad then brilliant, if not I’ll still be here and I’m sure it will be great.”