CAPTAIN Max Hayman, Tomek Pozniak and Morgan MacRae were all at the double as Rams made it two National One bonus-point wins from two with a 43-24 success at Esher.

Following a cagey first 10 minutes it was the away side who took the lead, skipper Hayman continuing his fine start to the season with another trademark maul try.

The extras were added by Fraser Honey, but Esher replied within two minutes as Sam Bullock touched down for a try converted by Owen Waters.

The Eees then hit the front on the half-hour mark, Charlie Clare grabbing an interception score for 12-7.

Rams this time responded, though, Hayman doubling his tally before Honey nudged the away side back in front.

Visiting wing Jack Rampton was sin-binned for a deliberate knock on shortly before the break, but Rams defied their numerical disadvantage as Pozniak returned to haunt his former club, the Polish international retrieving his own kick before diving over for 19-12 at the interval.

Esher continued to fight, however, and Bullock’s try on 51 minutes reduced the deficit to two points.

Yet Rams replied almost instantly, replacement MacRae touching down with almost his first touch after entering proceedings, Honey’s terrific conversion making it 26-17.

Pozniak became the second visitor to double up as his side moved further in front, only for outstanding Esher centre Ed Volley to reduce the arrears.

Waters’ conversion reduced the arrears, but MacRae’s second on 68 minutes, added to by Honey, gave Rams breathing space.

And the visitors had the final word late on, Axel Kalling-Smith brushing aside a couple of would-be defenders to grab his side’s seventh try.

Rams host Sale next Saturday, the two sides both having claimed a brace of bonus-point wins.