Supporters Trust at Reading [STAR] have stated that they are 'beyond disappointed' to learn that Rob Couhig's takeover of the club collapsed.

The 75-year-old had expected to complete the acquisition over the last few months and was set to end the seven-year reign of Dai Yongge.

However, the club confirmed on Wednesday that negotiations have ended and a deal is no longer in the offing.

Releasing a powerful statement, addressing the supporters, staff and players, supporters feel compelled to act.

"The Supporters Trust at Reading are beyond disappointed to learn of the latest failed takeover attempt and this disappointment extends to the latest statement released by the Club," it read.

"Firstly, we want to extend our thanks to Mr Rob Couhig and his partners for funding the Club for as long as they did. As the club’s own statement alludes to, it was his group that kept the club running, kept players and staff paid and kept HMRC satisfied.

"While we are relieved that Mr Couhig has been paid back in full, this raises further questions. If Dai Yongge and his family have means to repay loans - with interest - then they have the means to fund our football club. The fact that they are choosing not to is deplorable, dishonourable and brings the entire game into disrepute. Never has the need for independent regulation been more obvious.

"Our primary concern therefore has to be the ongoing financial health of the club. The statement asserts that; “funds are in place to fund the Club until a transaction is completed”. This is a huge claim for the Club to make given Dai Yongge has not funded the club for over six months, the club has continually missed payments without external support and the selling process is nearly entering a second year.

"With that in mind, we would like to know exactly how long the club is financed for and would welcome the EFL’s support in verifying these claims. At present, the club seems to be suggesting that funding will be provided indefinitely. This would be welcome news, but scarcely believable.

"We know emotions are running high because ours are too. Most importantly, we want to encourage fans to look after each other and their own mental well-being. To support this, Johnny Hunt will be running a Talking Royals session tomorrow at 7.00pm. If you are struggling, please do not hesitate to reach out.

"We are also aware of calls for fan protests and a wide range of rumours that may be impacting the Club’s takeover. Working alongside Sell Before We Dai, our own members, our contacts at the EFL and friends in parliament we are working tirelessly to uncover the facts which could then inform effective fan protest. We know fans want to be heard, let’s make sure we are heard in the most effective way.

"Lastly, we wanted to offer our unequivocal support to all the staff at Reading Football Club - on and off the pitch. As fans it can sometimes be easy to forget that it’s not just points and embargoes at stake, but careers and livelihoods too. We are so sorry you have to go through this.

"To Ruben and the players, we know this latest drama will knock morale, but we also know how that this team thrives under pressure. Your owner may be undercutting your efforts to perform, your supporters never will."